Asset protection

Asset protection, choice of optimal tax residency and cyber security as key objectives – at all levels of family and corporate activity

Business & asset protection structures

The objective of strategic planning – which will usually involve detailed discussions with our clients and cooperating closely with their existing family advisors – will need to determine the optimal balance of tax and cost efficiency consistent with solid asset protection, capital preservation and reliable returns on investments.

The many kinds of exposure threatening family and business assets – in addition to risks of business losses and litigation (not to mention the risk of ‘frivolous’ litigation from unscrupulous litigation lawyers) – need to be planned for and protected against, including of course the normal exposure to tax, commercial, cyber and geo-political risks.

Asset protection structures are designed to build robust defences around your key family holdings and business assets and place them in entities and jurisdictions which afford the best environment for security and confidentiality.

Siam investments AG - CHE-402.815.073
Siam investments AG - CHE-402.815.073

Geo-politics, stable tax & legal environment, reliability of institutions

The choice of jurisdiction in which to reside and/or to base one’s core assets, trusts and holding company structures is critical. The number of “stable and attractive” countries, in which the politics, the economy & currency, tax rates, confidentiality and rule of law, are reliable and predictable, is changing and sadly diminishing. As a group, we have long experience of assisting clients with such choices, and of course we have particular experience with relocations of key family members to countries known for their respective (though sometimes quite different) tax benefits (such as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Italy, Spain, UAE, UK & US – to name but a few – as well as many stable, well regulated island nations around the world).

Siam investments AG - CHE-402.815.073
Siam investments AG - CHE-402.815.073